Some bird sightings from local residents

If you have spotted any birds on the Widewater Lagoon please email me and I'll record it below.   [email protected]

Resident Kingfisher

Remember to include:

Species, Date, Time, Number, Where, By whom and any comments you may wish to add.


A selection of wildlife captured on an early morning stroll around Widewater

Courtesy of Keith Wells

Oyster Catcher in Flight


A Black Tailed Godwit and a Lively Egrit

spotted and photographed by Dave Hoggen

Lively Egret

Graceful Egrit

Oyster Catchers

spotted and photographed by Emma Swan

Oyster Catcher

Oyster Catchers

Beautiful picture of our resident Kestrel hovering over the carpark


Picture courtesy of Dave Hoggen


I photographed the Red Breasted Mergansers this morning.  There were 4 birds, 1 female, 2 male, 1 young.

Usually, they seemed not too alarmed a my presence, and I photographed them at one stage from just 50yds.

There were also a pair of Little Grebes, and a solitary Dunlin.

by Arther Russell


I spent an hour or so at Widewater this afternoon. 9th October & I was fortunate and very surprised to see the Kingfisher.

Sarah Mitchell


Heron on its way to Widewater just other side of Coast Road

Spotted on Monday 7 October by Lynn White


30 September 2019 - West side of lagoon this morning was full of mallards, teal, gulls and renegade swans.   This patch has potential for wetlands - Anthony Gammon


At 07.11 this morning 23 September, a Kingfisher passed through the Widewater. Anthony Gammon



Foxy came to visit

Photo Courtesy of Mikey Unstead


Large flock of Gannetts 20m off the beach at the Western Causeway, Widewater, spotted by Mikey Unsted


Ringed Neck Parakeet

Ringed Neck Parakeet, spotted by DawnAyres in the bushes on widewater. Pictures of Parakeet and Kingfisher by Mikey Unsted



Robin, Swans, Beach Rabbit, Sparrow Hawk, Oyster Catcher and Kingfisher on Wednesday 26/12/18, Widewater.  Just moved here and loving it - Dawn Ayers

Red Breasted Merganser

6 Red Breasted Mergansers sighted on the Widewater 19/12/18 Paula Baker

I noted 16 Little Grebes just recently. Only a few singletons were at the west end with a group of approximately 12 at the east end where I observed them catching small fish. In past years the mid-winter count has peaked at approximately 30 Tim Holter

This handsome Grey Heron seen close to the Bridge on Saturday 6/10/18,  by Paula Baker

Grey Heron

Kingfisher, 25/09/18, pair, flying low over the Widewater, Paula Baker

Dunlin, 14/09/18, 1, returned and seen by the footbridge this morning, Paula Baker

Little Gull, 02/08/18, seen over the past few days and again this morning, 1, very distinctive bar on the end of its tail and W markings on its wings, Steve Lawless

Herons, 25/06/18, morning, 2, driven off by attacking seagulls, Penny Eaton

Oystercatcher, 24/05/18, morning, Mitigation Pipe, Susie Swanson Bar-tailed Godwit, 24/05/18, morning, Mitigation Pipe, Susie Swanson

Oystercatcher and a Bar-tailed Godwit

Cygnet, 10/05/18, afternoon, 1, Widewater Lagoon, Faye Shippham

2018 Cygnet

Oystercatchers, 09/05.18, evening, 2, Widewater Lagoon, Jo Procter


Little Egret, 22/04/18, 2.15pm, 1, fishing in the shallows, Jenny Rowe

Little Egret Fishing

Brent Geese, 15/04/18, morning, couple of flocks, leaving our shores, Tony Benton

Wheatears, 15/04/18, morning, female arriving, west end of the Lagoon, Tony Benton

Chiffchaffs, 27/03/18, during the day, several - one singing, Tamarisks at the Lagoon, Tony Benton

Firecrest, 27/03/18, during the day, 1, Tamarisks at the Lagoon, Tony Benton

Knot, 26/03/18, during the day, 1, Lagoon, Tony Benton

Little Grebe, 06/03/18, 9.00am, 11, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Pintail, 06/03/18, 9.00am, 2 males, Opposite Allen Island, Tim Holter

Shelduck, 06/03/18, 9.00am, 12, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Greenshank, 06/03/18, 9.00am, 1, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Dunlin, 06/03/18, 9.00am, 6 yesterday and down to 2 today, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Greenshank, 03/03/18, 2.00pm, 1, Widewater LNR, Tony Benton                    "Yet another wader responding to the frozen conditions elsewhere!"

Pintail - Male, 03.03.18, am, 2, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Shelduck, 03.03.18, am, 10, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Teal, 03.03.18, am, 37, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Dunlin, 03.03.18, am, 50, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Black Tailed Godwit, 03.03.18, am, 1, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Kingfisher, 03.03.18, am, 1, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Mute Swans, 03.03.18, am, 8 (including the 2 new arrivals on the grass adjacent to car park), Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Little Grebe, 03.03.18, am, 16 (but could be more), Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Redshank, 03.03.18, am, 1, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Mallard (not feral), 03.03.18, am, 2, Widewater LNR, Tim Holter

Shelducks, 01.03.18, am, a pair, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Meadow Pipit, 01.03.18, am, 1, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Songthrush (first for several years), 01.03.18, am, 1, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Forlorn Kingfisher, 01.03.18, am, 1, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Little Grebe, 01.03.18, am, 6+ Lagoon, Fred Howard

Dunlins, 01.03.18, am, 40+, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Pintail, 01.03.18, am, 1, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Redshank, 01.03.18, am, 3, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Teal, 01.03.18, am, 25, Lagoon, Fred Howard

Shelducks, 01.03.18, am, a pair, Lagoon, Paula Baker

Dunlins, 01.03.18, am, 20, Lagoon, Paula Baker

Mute Swan, 28.01.18, 10.00, 2 - mating pair, East Lagoon, Barbara

Little Egret, 28.01.18, 10.00, 2, East Lagoon, Barbar