The WoW Committee meet every two months to discuss matters such as current issues regarding Widewater and upcoming events. The most recent meeting took place on 7th October 2024 and it was agreed that from now on, Frank Fletcher would provide bullet points from the minutes prepared by Marion Hoggen and the bullet points will be posted on this page following each Committee meeting.

The WoW committee held its latest meeting on 7th October 2024; here are some highlights for members and Facebook subscribers.  We are always looking for more talent to join the committee so please talk to one of us if you are interested.

  • Two outrageously successful volunteer events since our last meeting.  Brilliant work from volunteers from Virginmedia Group (thanks to Andy) who have promised to return next year.  Brilliant work also from the Brighton College team on make a difference day.  Thanks were extended on behalf of all of us.
  • Planning continued for the next social event on Saturday 16th November.  Get your stetsons, chaps, cowboy boots, frilly frocks or whatever floats your boat ready for an evening of line dancing and blazing saddles (Yes beans and sausages are on the menu)
  • Birdlife is flourishing on the reserve with healthy water and salinity levels. Recent sightings include Kingfishers, Little Egrets, a Heron, Little Grebes, possibly a Great White Egret, a Kestrel a Sparrowhawk and approximately 25 Swans!
  • Increasing analysis of website usage and Facebook membership to help understand and broaden our appeal to existing and potential new members who care about the Nature reserve
  • AGM to be held in the new year with date and format to be confirmed nearer the time