WoW Nature Walk

A beautiful day and a great turn out for the Widewater Nature Walk on Sunday 19th May.

About 35 people enjoyed viewing and learning more about the lovely flowers and plants to be found here. There was certainly a fantastic display with many of the flowers in full bloom.

Hawks Beard (Photography by Paul Robards)
Thrift and Wildflowers (Photography by Paul Robards)

A huge thanks to Steve Lawless and Paula Baker for leading the groups on the walk and for sharing their amazing knowledge.

It was lovely to welcome all who attended and to meet many new people.

Thank you for joining us. I’m sure everyone enjoyed the event and learned alot about the diverse plant life on this unique and special Nature Reserve. There’s so much to see at the moment including insects and birds not forgetting the Swans and Cygnets. It’s well worth a visit.

Female Broad Bodied Chaser (Photography by Paul Robards)
Cygnets (Photography by Paul Robards)

Thank you once again, Steve and Paula and everyone who came to support and enjoy the walk.

Jo Procter