Written by Jo Procter.

Today, Stanley and Hilda were relocated to a beautiful private and peaceful lake where they will spend their retirement. I know I won’t be the only one who will miss them but their time as the King and Queen of Widewater had come to an end and this is just Nature’s way for an older pair of Swans.
For several weeks now, they have been under much stress as the younger pair have dominated the territory and they haven’t been able to go on the water. They took refuge in Mo Wilson’s garden who kindly looked after them and with daily feeding from Danny Howard and myself, we managed to keep them safe until a place was found for them to go to. Thank you all, for caring for them.
The lake was found by the wonderful Billy Elliot of Wadars and Billy relocated them there today. Thank you Billy.
I went with him to see them settle in and it was a joy to watch them back on the water, exploring their new surroundings, washing and preening. We are so grateful to the kind lady who has offered them this idyllic home and who will now look after them.
I’m sure they will be very happy there.