World of Widewater – Constitution

1. NAME 

The group shall be known as: World of Widewater. (WOW).

2. AIM 

The aim of WOW is to work in conjunction with Lancing Parish Council, Widewater Management, Adur District Council, West Sussex County Council, English Nature and The National Rivers Association in their endeavours to conserve and enhance the character of Widewater Lagoon, Local Nature Reserve as per the Widewater Management Plan.


In order to fulfil these aims the Group may:-

  • Open bank accounts
  • Raise money
  • Take out necessary insurance.
  • Work with other similar groups and exchange ideas
  • Organise events
  • Organise litter picking
  • Undertake surveys and research
  • Encourage educational field trips
  • Display local wild life and flora and fauna photographs
  • Make use of and maintain the observation booth
  • Maintain an active and interesting web-site
  • Raise awareness / profile of the Local Nature Reserve


Membership of the group shall be open to any individual over eighteen, without regard to disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation, who is:-

  • Interested in helping the group achieve its aims
  • Willing to abide by the rules of the group
  • Willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Management Committee.


The group shall be administered by not less than 3 and not more than 12 individuals elected at the groups Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The officers of the Management Committee shall consist of:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Secretary
  • Activities Secretary
  • Community Liaison Secretary
  • General Committee Members

The Management Committee may co-opt individuals onto the committee as is felt necessary for the smooth running of the group, but not exceeding 12 in number.

The Management Committee must meet at least 4 times a year. At least 3 members of the committee must be present at any one meeting.

Voting at the Management Committee meetings shall be by a show of hands. If there is a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a second vote.

The Management Committee shall have the power to remove any member of the committee for misconduct, rudeness or any deemed inappropriate behaviour.


The duties of the Chairperson shall be to:-

  • Chair meetings of the committee and group.
  • represent the group at functions/meetings that the group has been invited to.
  • act as spokesperson of the group when necessary.

The duties of the Vice-Chairperson shall be:-

  • The same as the Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent or unavailable and to give help and support to the Chairperson.

The duties of the Secretary shall be to:-

  • Prepare in consultation with the Chairperson the agenda for meetings of the Committee.
  • To take and keep minutes of all meetings.
  • To collect and circulate all relevant information to the group.

The duties of the Treasurer shall be to:-

  • Collect monies from incomes and pay into the groups bank account.
  • Supervise the financial affairs of the group.
  • Keep proper accounts that show all monies received and paid out by the group.
  • Prepare a financial statement and report at the AGM.

The duties of the Membership Secretary shall be to:-

  • Keep an updated membership list.
  • To collect membership fees annually.
  • To deliver all membership fees to the Treasurer.

The duties of the Activities Secretary shall be to:-

  • Provide and manage activities on behalf of the group
  • Provide educational material for display purposes.
  • Provide information of local interest for members and the general public.

The duties of the Community Liaison Secretary shall be to:-

  • Establish links with like minded groups locally.
  • Establish links with local media.
  • Supervise and advise on social events.


  • All monies received by or on behalf of the group shall be applied to the further aim of the group and for no other purpose.
  • Any bank accounts opened for the group shall be in the name of the group.
  • Any cheques issues shall be signed by at least two nominated signatories.
  • The group shall ensure that the account are made public at each AGM.
  • The group shall reimburse any reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by members or Management Committee members in pursuit of the groups affairs.


  • The group shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM), once a year.
  • At least 3 members must be present for the meeting to proceed.
  • All members shall be given at least fourteen days notice of the AGM and shall be entitled to attend and vote.

The business of the AGM shall include;

  • receiving a report from the Chairperson on the groups activities for the past year.
  • electing a new Management Committee.
  • receiving a financial report from the Treasurer on the groups finances.
  • considering any other matter as may be decided by the membership.


An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee or 3 members to discuss urgent matters.

The secretary shall give all members fourteen days (14) notice of such a meeting, together with the details of the business to be discussed.


Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two thirds of those members present and voting at any Annual or Special Meeting.

The group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at any General meeting.

In the event of winding up, any assets remaining after all debts are settled, shall be handed over to Lancing Parish Council, to be used on the maintenance of or around the nature reserve.