Membership Update

Good morning all. Hope this finds everyone in good health and spirits. Raining today but at least the gardens will like that and we may not get so many visitors to the beach!

I, along with the WoW committee just wanted to update members on a few things -:

Membership fees are now due. Single member is £6, Family £9, Senior Single £4 and Senior Couple is £6. We are intending to rationalise these subs, but that will need to be discussed at the AGM, which obviously we had to cancel. Please either arrange a standing order with your bank, or send cheque to me at 252 Brighton Road, BN15 8LH.

There has been a huge issue with rubbish during this hot weather and it seems to be very difficult persuading people to take their rubbish home with them, and the seagulls are having a field day at the bins. New signs have been put up and I know a few people regularly do litter picks, so thanks to them and to Lancing Parish Council , Adur District Council and WSCC. If anyone would like to do some litter picking and needs a grabber, please let me know as we have some available to borrow.

There have also been a lot of comments about the number of people boating and paddle boarding on the lagoon. There are signs on the south side which say no boating, but residents do have riparian rights in their deeds which apparently allows them to use the lagoon for non-motorised craft.

We have a thriving Facebook page at Lancing Widewater Lagoon and a website at www. where you will find all sorts of information and residents’ concerns. Please do take a look.

There is a new publication coming out soon – Inside Lancing – which will be delivered to each household and will include a regular news item from WoW.

On a positive note, WSCC and Adur District Council have now agreed to fund the new pedestrian bridge from the Brighton Road to the beach, enabling pushchair and wheelchair access and a safer trip for all. As yet we do not have a date for works to commence, but fingers crossed it will not be too delayed again.

Thank you for getting to the end of this long missive, please contact anyone on the committee if you have any comments or queries, and hope we can arrange some social events in the not too distant future.

Stay safe and kind regards

Membership Secretary WoW

Penny Eaton
07825 730292