There was a lot of activity around the east mitigation outlet at lunchtime today Below some comments as to why…
A Frozen Widewater Today, 1st March 2018 I made a drive through survey of the east end of Widewater Lagoon…
Georgina Stevens and a helper have organised a beach litter clearance on Sunday 4th March (meeting 9.45 at Widewater Car…
Two beautiful pictures of the Widewater Bridge taken in a snowy winter over 20 years ago.
There will be more on the Information Panels dotted around the Nature Reserve, please watch this space.
Please find below a link to a report to West Sussex County Council by The Biogeography and Ecology Research Group University…
The Heron at Sunset
Although tolerably cold but seemingly getting colder over the two hours of the event, twenty six people attended the Bird Walk at…
Mute swans have graced the Widewater lagoon for many years. Numbers have changed over the years with flocks of 25-30…