Swan and Duck News

We have 3 Cygnets this year on Widewater! The new Swan pair had 5 Cygnets hatching but 2 were sadly predated by Gulls. The remaining 3 are thriving though. The resident pair lost the only Cygnet that hatched, again to a Gull and the female still sits on the nest hoping the other eggs will hatch but it is too long now and they are almost certainly infertile. With one Cygnet hatching though, they will probably try again next year. The two pairs seem to have settled to sharing the territory east and west of the bridge. 

We also have Mallard ducks breeding with one female laying 11 eggs in a resident’s garden planter! The residents kept a careful eye on them and all the eggs hatched but only 4 followed the female into the lagoon and 7 were left behind. The resident and myself gathered them up in a box and we went to find the female who had gone to the Tamarisk islands. We released the 7 into the water nearby and they swam to join the others!  All 11 are currently spending most of their time in my garden! The female’s main job is to keep them safe from the Gulls and fingers crossed, she is doing well! 
